Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Why Valentines day sucks

  I really hate Valentine's day. You probably think I’m just mad that I’m alone or whatever, but that's not the case. Saint Valentine was a man who killed Pagans if they wouldn’t convert, and homosexuals if they wouldn’t repress themselves. He was executed on the 14th of February, and we dedicated that day to celebrate him. Over time it was changed to show an act of love.  What does a man killing people if they wouldn’t think like him have to do with love?! Nothing. And that’s exactly the problem. Valentine's day is now celebrated all over the world with date nights and cheesy cards, but the real meaning is lost in time. 

I try not to celebrate Valentine’s traditionally for this reason. This year I’m having an Anti Valentines Day party, which celebrates self love over the love of others, something I think has much more to do with the original holiday. So you know what? Screw Valentine's day. This year take time for yourself and have fun with that!

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